Monday, August 16, 2010

A dilemma.

Some of my friends from beauty school have tried to friend me on Facebook. I feel like I can't do that with anyone from there because of this blog. So far I've dealt with it by just saying, "Facebook? Oh, I haven't seen your request. I'm never on there!" & then just ignoring their friend request. I'm not really sure what else I can do, though it is a struggle because there are people I'd like to get closer to & that would be one way to do it. But writing this feels important to me, if only because I enjoy doing it so much. I don't think I can have both.


  1. Hey, Christina - You can actually hide your blogs from people who you don't want to read them. On your FB page, select the "Account" tab in the upper right. Select "Application Settings." You should see the application "NetworkedBlogs" under the list of applications. Select "Edit Settings." When the next box comes up, you'll see the privacy option. Select "Customize." It will give you the option to "Hide This From - These People." Just put in the names of the people who you don't want to see the blog. And that should do it. Hope this option helps. :)
    - Bernard

  2. What specifically is it about the blog that makes you think you can't share it with friends from school? Are there specific individuals' feelings you think might get hurt? Do you think your teachers would disapprove? I think Bernard's suggestion is a good one. The other option would be to go completely anonymous with this blog and not link it to your FB profile. I follow it in my RSS feed readers so don't need the FB updates! :) Long term, you might want to think about the impact of this blog on salons you might want to get a job with. I suspect the salons/clientele you will target will all be pretty cool with it and would love the blog. But if you have reason to think they might not . . . anonymity might be good. Anyway. Not to freak you out even more.

  3. Hey, Nardo, thanks! I don't think I'll end up using that for this, but it's good to know.
    Liz, I guess I feel like I could share it with some but not others & the likelihood of that working seems slim. Sunshine, for instance, who I'm actually quite fond of now, probably wouldn't like what I've written about her & I imagine anyone who saw it would tell her she was in it. And I'm pretty sure Bitchy Bitch wouldn't like it, either ;) Someone brought up anonymity pretty early on & I decided, I guess, somewhat against it. My whole name isn't on here, though (not even my real first name), nor have I ever mentioned the name of the school. So I have kept it what I think of as semi-anonymous. The people who work at the salon where I'm observing (which I have also left intentionally unnamed) know about it, but I don't think I would ever specifically show it to a potential employer who I didn't already know. My FB profile is protected enough that only people I'm friends with can see this much info.
    Anyhow, thanks to both of you for thinking about this enough to write me. And thanks for reading!
